Giang Thi May teaches a first grade class at the primary school of Van Chai in Dong Van district, on the border with China, north of Hanoi, Vietnam, September 21, 2015. There is no electricity and no books. She teaches the children in the local Hmong language. Nearly three years after Taliban gunmen shot Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai, the teenage activist last week urged world leaders gathered in New York to help millions more children go to school. World Teachers' Day falls on 5 October, a Unesco initiative highlighting the work of educators struggling to teach children amid intimidation in Pakistan, conflict in Syria or poverty in Vietnam. Even so, there have been some improvements: the number of children not attending primary school has plummeted to an estimated 57 million worldwide in 2015, the U.N. says, down from 100 million 15 years ago. Reuters photographers have documented learning around the world, from well-resourced schools to pupils crammed into corridors in the Philippines, on boats in Brazil or in crowded classrooms in Burundi. REUTERS/Kham TPX IMAGES OF THE DAYPICTURE 33 OF 47 FOR WIDER IMAGE STORY "SCHOOLS AROUND THE WORLD"SEARCH "EDUCATORS SCHOOLS" FOR ALL IMAGES TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Kina: Napadač u vrtiću nožem povrijedio 11-ero djece

Najmanje 11-ero djece je povrijeđeno u napadu hladnim oružjem u kineskom gradu Pingxiangu, na jugu zemlje, saopštile su lokalne vlasti

U saopštenju gradskog ureda za sigurnost navodi se da je napadač u srijedu upao u vrtić i nožem povrijedio 11-ero djece, od kojih je petero teže.

Policija je ubrzo stigla na mjesto događaja i privela osumnjičenog, dok su djeca prevezena u bolnicu. Niko od povrijeđenih nije životno ugrožen.

Policija nije saopštila koje hladno oružje je napadač koristio.

U Kini je posljednjih godina zabilježeno više napada na škole. Počinioci su uglavnom ljudi koji pate od mentalnih poremećaja, a povod je uglavnom osveta.


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